Brett Stav

Aug. 11, 2020 Voiland College This Week

John McCloy was featured by the Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy University Program in an article highlighting international partnerships.

A computer science senior capstone project that developed a website that farmers can use to log agriculture water testing data and GPS coordinates was the subject of a WSU Insider article.

Aug. 4, 2020 Voiland College This Week

Voiland College had a Student Town Hall on Friday to give undergraduates a preview of fall semester.

The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science hosted two NSF REU undergraduate presentations: “Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Training in Wearable Computing,” led by Hassan Ghasemzadeh, associate professor; and, “Undergraduate Research in Smart Environments,” led by Larry Holder.

July 28, 2020 Voiland College This Week

The College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture are pleased to announce a new dual degree and certificate program for students pursuing their Doctor of Pharmacy degree.

Sasha McLarty has received a three-year, $673,000 grant from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation that will help monitor groundwater in the Columbia River Basin.

July 14, 2020 Voiland College This Week

Xianming Shi, was elected a fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Climate change will leave some farmers with a difficult conundrum, according to a new study by researchers from Cornell and Washington State University, including co-author Jennifer Adam: Either risk more revenue volatility, or live with a more predictable decrease in crop yields.