Outstanding Student Awards

Lead: Associate Dean of Student Success (S. Pressley) and Associate Dean of Research (H. Beyenal)

Outstanding Sophomore, Junior, and Senior

Each year outstanding students (sophomore, junior, and senior) are selected for recognition by each academic program within the departments/schools. They are presented certificates during the Voiland College Student Excellence Awards. These awards are decided on by the individual department.

Nomination Guidelines

  • For each academic program within your department/school, submit one (1) name for the outstanding student award in each of the following categories*: 
    • Sophomore
    • Junior
    • Senior

* WSU campuses may each submit names for outstanding students where appropriate. For example, WSU Bremerton would nominate one outstanding junior and senior, while WSU Tri-Cities would nominate one outstanding sophomore, junior, and senior.


Please review the honorees for each award for the following:

  • The student cannot have been named previously for the award at the same academic level. 
  • The student must be presently enrolled in classes that are typically associated with the location and academic level for which they are being named.
    • For example, senior students must be enrolled in classes that are typically associated with the final year of the program.   
  • Junior nominees must be on track to graduate in 2025 (spring, summer, or fall).   
  • Senior nominees must be on track to graduate in 2024 (spring, summer, or fall).

Overall Student of the Year

In addition to the above names, each department/school should submit one (1) name for the overall Student of the Year (SOTY) award in each of the following categories**:

  • Sophomore
  • Junior
  • Senior

** WSU campuses may each submit names for SOTY awards where appropriate. For example, WSU Bremerton would nominate one junior and senior, while WSU Tri-Cities would nominate one sophomore, junior, and senior.

The nomination process for the SOTY awards has changed and will require additional material to be submitted on the students’ behalf.

Note: SOTY winners in internships

SOTY award winners who are participating in an internship will have their nomination materials forwarded to regional and national organizations for consideration in other awards.

Previous Award Recipients

2024Rylee GannonChemical Engineering
2023Razan OsmanCivil Engineering
2022Katy AyersBioengineering
2021Michael HatfieldBioengineering
2020Rebecca HsiehBioengineering
2019Dylan SterlingConstruction Management

2024Ethan VilliavolozComputer Science
2023Clara EhingerChemical Engineering
2022Brooke DowningMaterials Science and Engineering
2021Geneva SchleppCivil Engineering
2020David RodriguezMechanical Engineering
2019Patrick RobichaudCivil Engineering

2024Katy AyersBioengineering
2023Ethan ShaeferConstruction Engineering
2022Geneva SchleppCivil Engineering
2022Gunnar SlyChemical Engineering
2021Patrick RobichaudCivil Engineering
2020Kristian GubschChemical Engineering
2019Hannah ZmudaBioengineering


If you have questions about the award criteria and nomination process, please contact: