LinkedIn is a great professional networking and job search tool! Building a profile on LinkedIn is the first step in creating professional connections and networking with others. After your profile is filled out, you may be wondering “now what?”. See below for three things to do to make your LinkedIn great and ways to start connecting. 

Edit your Public Profile URL

Your LinkedIn URL is something you can include on your resume and other networking sites like Handshake and Facebook if you choose. Instead of sharing your URL with others as a big jumble of letters and numbers, LinkedIn allows users to customize their URL to make it easier to share. Click on your profile on LinkedIn, then check the upper righthand corner for a button that says, “Edit Public Profile & URL”. Follow this link to edit your URL- most people change their URL to first name, last name or first initial, last name i.e. or linkedin/com/GMinshew. Once you edit your URL, make sure to update it anywhere you have it posted or listed.

Make sure your profile is complete

100% complete= 40x more opportunities. Building connections starts with people seeing all you have to offer. Members with complete profiles are 40x more likely to receive opportunities through LinkedIn. Upload a professional profile picture, include a headline, add relevant sections such as Education, Skills, Experience, Projects, Awards & more. Every time you achieve or start something new, make sure to update your LinkedIn so it stays up- to- date with your most current information and experiences.

Make Connections

Start reaching out and making connections, first with people you know! Think about your current and past classmates, professors, teaching assistants, club members, family, friends, neighbors, and others that you know. Expanding your connections helps more people see and engage with your posts, creates credibility with your profile, and helps broaden the audience that could provide advice, support, and even job/internship opportunities. As you build connections, think about how you can support others. Comment on a classmate’s status update or forward a job listing to a friend — your generosity will be returned. When sending connection requests to people you don’t know very well or who may not remember meeting you (such as recruiters at a Career Fair or people you met at a networking event) make sure to personalize the invitation by stating where you met them and why you want to connect.                    Example: Hi Mark. I enjoyed meeting and chatting with you at the WSU Fall Career Fair. It was great talking with you about the model car project I’ve been working on– I’ve been incorporating your advice into the project and am seeing great results. I’d love to connect. -Taylor

For more LinkedIn tips and tricks, check out the VCEA Internships & Career Services Resources page. If you’d like personalized assistance on your LinkedIn account, join us for Daily Drop-In hours Monday-Friday 11am-4pm via Zoom or email