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Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture Student Success

The 4 Benefits of A Mock Interview

If you’ve ever had an interview, you know that they can be very intimidating, so you don’t ever want to show up unprepared. There are plenty of ways to prepare, but a recent article from The Muse says that “one of the best ways to simulate the actual interview process is by doing a mock interview.”

Mock interviews allow you to simulate your interview and test your skills with someone who isn’t going to be evaluating you for the job. Mock interviews are offered through career services, but can also be done with a trusted professor, colleague, or friend.

Here are the major benefits of doing a mock interview outlined by the article:

  1. Reduce Stress and Anxiety: If you’ve never had an interview, or are unsure how to answer interview questions, mock interviews are a great way to “test-drive” your responses. Mock interviews also allow your interviewer to give you feedback on your responses so you can improve them before the interview.
  2. Boost Confidence: Mock interviews will allow you, and your interviewer, to pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses. Practicing beforehand will give you time to “address your weaknesses and build your strengths.” Improving will boost confidence and allow you to perform better during the actual interview.
  3. Provide Constructive Feedback: “No one is the perfect candidate,” so a mock interview will allow you to clarify your responses and recognize areas of weakness. In actual interviews, you rarely get feedback, so conducting a mock interview with someone will give you insight into your interview skills.
  4. Prepare You For Behavioral-Based Questions: Most companies ask behavioral-based questions during interviews. Doing a mock interview beforehand will prepare you for these and allow you to perfect how you handle certain questions.

“Practice makes perfect!” You should never just wing a job interview. You always want to come prepared, and mock interviews can help you do that. You should always do mock interviews, even if you have a high level of skills and have had many interviews in the past. Different people could have very insightful feedback for you that might land you the job!

Read the full article here!

If you’d like to set up a mock interview or career coaching advising appointment with one of our career services staff members, click here and scroll to the bottom of the website!