Want to reserve a studio for group projects or a personal project?

Featuring the Tormach

Wait no longer! You are now able to reserve a studio for any group projects or personal project that requires you to have the whole space to yourself. You can now go on to a link provided below to place a slot for your needs! All you have to do is fill out the online form and we will take a look at it to approve your request!

*If you intend on bringing personal tools (like power tools or hand tools), you are expected to email the FIZ’s Instructional Manager (maynard.siev@wsu.edu) after you have submitted your ‘reservation form’. A proper inspection of your tools is required before using it in the FIZ. Please state that you have just submitted a form and that you intend on bringing personal tools.*


You can reserve a room through this link below! Simply fill in all the required slots and make sure to submit it! We will return to you within 24 or 48 hours, if not do email us at vcea.fiz@wsu.edu for any questions or concerns!
