Resources for Student Clubs

The Club Hub can help you with club management, funding, purchase and travel arrangements, room and venue reservations and more! Explore the resources below for more information.

On this page:

Register or Renew Your Student Club

Voiland College clubs are required to register for/renew WSU Registered Student Organization (RSO) status at the start of each fall semester.

When starting a new club mid-semester, register for status as soon as possible. You can register at any time during the academic year, but RSO training dates are limited.

What is my club’s RSO status?

If you’re unsure of your club’s status, e-mail Student Engagement Services to confirm any remaining steps to achieve RSO status.

Fund Your Student Club

Student Engagement Services offers many funding opportunities to help your student club turn its visions, ideas, and plans into action.

Promote Your Student Club

Voiland Collage Digital Signage

To have your club’s digital marketing flyer displayed on a Voiland College monitor, email attachment to with these specifications:

  1. Design using a 16:9 (PPT) aspect ratio.
  2. Use a QR code that links to a page with more dates and information about your club or event. This allows you to utilize the same digital flyer throughout the semester or academic year.
  3. Provide the date you’d like your digital flyer to come down.
  4. Indicate if you’d like your digital flyer printed and submitted for permission to post on physical flyer boards around Voiland College. You must meet the above specifications and no more than 20 will be printed per club.

WSU Marketing Resources

Marketing resources are available to Registered Student Organizations. Learn about design and printing services available to your student club as well as tactics for promoting your club and reaching more students.

Purchase Goods and Travel for Your Student Club

Voiland College Club Hub can help your club purchase food, goods, or services, or arrange club travel such as flight, lodging (e.g., hotel, Airbnb), and motor pool vehicle rental.

Reserving Rooms for Meetings and Events

Reserve space for your student club meeting or event.