Empty classroom with monitors on each table.

Presentation Request

For Classes

Are you a faculty member who needs to miss class for any reason? Don’t cancel class!

The Voiland College Internships and Career Services office has your back and is available to educate your students on the following topics:

  • What is an internship and how to find one
  • How to write a resume and/or cover letter
  • Interviewing strategies
  • Professional etiquette
  • Networking, social media tips, and more!

We can cover a full hour of your class or just come for 5 minutes and give a brief overview of the above topics.

For Clubs and Groups

Are you looking for a guest speaker for a club or group activity?

Give your club members knowledge and skills that can help them get their career off to a good start.

Invite the Voiland College Internships and Career Services office to attend your meeting and provide information about internships, the job search, interviewing skills or networking tips.

We can speak between 5 and 50 minutes depending on the topic and time available.

Request a Presentation

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Contact the Internships and Career Services Office

Career Coaching Hours

Social Media

Mailing Address

Voiland College Internships and Career Services
Washington State University
PO Box 642718
Pullman, WA 99164-2718

WSU Cougar logo that reads Washington State University, Voiland College Career Services.