Hundreds of students, staff, and faculty wearing crimson t-shirts posing for a group photo outside the Voiland College.

Academic Advising

We are enthusiastic about providing you with superior academic advising!

Each student in Voiland College is assigned an advisor who assists in the selection of classes and registration and provides counsel as needed throughout the year. Your advisor can help you evaluate career options, discuss academic problems, and provide referral to other resources on campus as appropriate. You should meet with your advisor periodically during each semester to discuss progress and concerns.

Who is my advisor?

Your academic advisor is assigned during your New Coug Orientation.

Not sure who your advisor is? Email Kasey Schertenleib to find out.

Before Meeting With Your Advisor

To help you prepare for your advising appointment, please review each of the following topics below:

Academic Requirements Document

Read your academic requirements document in myWSU. In order to accomplish this:

  1. Sign into myWSU with your WSU Network ID and password.
  2. Select the ‘Academic Advising’ tile.
  3. Select the ‘Academic Progress’ tab on the left-hand menu.
  4. Select the ‘My Academics’ tab from the selection of tabs at the top of the page.
  5. Your academic requirements document will appear.

Advising Websites

To assist with planning the selection of your classes, refer to the advising website for your major in the list below.

Courses and Requirements


UCORE-specific requirements apply to every student regardless of major.
Read the UCORE categories and course list.

Major-specific Courses and Requirements

ProgramCourse DescriptionsProgram Requirements
Architecture (Arch)Arch coursesArch requirements
Bioengineering (Bio_Eng)Bio_Eng coursesBio_Eng requirements
Chemical Engineering (ChE)ChE coursesChE requirements
Civil Engineering (CE)CE coursesCE requirements
Computer Engineering (CptE)CptE coursesCptE requirements
Computer Science (CptS)CptS coursesCptS requirements
Construction Engineering (ConE)ConE coursesConE requirements
Construction Management (CstM)CstM coursesCstM requirements
CybersecurityCptS coursesCybersecurity requirements
Electrical Engineering (EE)EE coursesEE requirements
Interior Design (ID)ID coursesID requirements
Landscape Architecture (Lnd Arch)Lnd Arch coursesLnd Arch requirements
Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)MSE coursesMSE requirements
Mechanical Engineering (ME)ME coursesME requirements
Software Engineering (SE)CptS coursesSE requirements

Schedule of Classes

Writing Portfolio

Registration Holds

Review in myWSU any registration hold that may exist in your records. These can be found in the top gray box on the right hand column of your Student Center. Note that the myWSU term “Service Indicator” can be used to refer to a registration hold.