Sixteen robotics club members pose with a robot in front of Dana Hall in Pullman, WA.

Support Student Clubs

Through clubs and organizations, Voiland College students gain hands-on opportunities to apply their skills and learn valuable lessons in cooperation, problem-solving, communication, and budgeting that will serve them well in future endeavors.

Voiland College is home to more than 40 student clubs, ranging from professional societies that engage in increasing professional knowledge and skills, to clubs that build projects to compete on regional or national platforms.

Give Online

Your donation will promote success in many areas of operation for Voiland College student organizations. For example, a donation to a club would lessen their financial burden for travel expenses to a national competition, allowing the students to focus on what it takes to succeed.

Select a link below to provide monetary support to a club. If you would like to make a donation of materials, equipment, or services, please contact Sue Elder.