10 Tips to Communicate Effectively on LinkedIn

Ensure your messages, comments, and updates stand out from the crowd.

  1. Be authentic. Communicate on LinkedIn the same way you would in professional interactions outside of LinkedIn. No need to be overly formal or change your style- be real, be you, but be professional.
  2. Customize your connection requests. Instead of using the generic “i’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn” message, tailor each request. Remind him/her where you met or explain why you want to connect. They’ll be more likely to respond.
  3. Be responsive. Reply within a few days to connection requests, personal messages, or comments on group discussions you post. Stay on top of your LinkedIn inbox! This will keep you top-of-mind with people and opportunities.
  4. Research before reaching out. Review a person’s profile before contacting him/her on LinkedIn. You’ll make a stronger connection by highlighting things you have in common or specific aspects of his/her experiences you want to discuss.
  5. Be targeted and personalized. Stay away from stuff like “Hi everyone- I’m sorry for the mass message!” Your connections are more likely to respond to personalized messages. If you do want to announce something in a mass way, use a status update instead.
  6. Be careful with introductions. If you’re asked for an introduction to someone in your network, remember that your reputation is on the line. Unless you’re confident in recommending someone of you know the connection well, it’s okay to politely refuse.
  7. Keep it short and sweet. In today’s busy world, no one wants to read long, dense paragraphs on their computer or smartphone. Keep your profile summary, messages, group discussion postings, and recommendations clear and to the point.
  8. Proofread. Remember that everything you post on LinkedIn could be seen by a wide audience (even private messages could be forwarded or saved). Represent yourself well by double-checking spelling, grammar, style, and tone.
  9. Give more than you take. Balance your needs on LinkedIN with those of your connections. In addition to updating your own status and asking for help or connections, try commenting on other people’s updates and helping with their requests.
  10. Always say thank you. When someone answers a question you’ve posted, provides an introduction, suggests a job, or otherwise helps you on LinkedIn, send him/her a thank you message. The golden rule applies online just as much as it does in person.

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Voiland College Internships and Career Services
Washington State University
PO Box 642718
Pullman, WA 99164-2718

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