Sample Bioengineering Résumé

Your résumé is a document that captures who you are, your experiences, your skills, and your education. It is your brand, and you will use it to market yourself for internships, jobs, scholarships, and professional memberships to name just a few. Your résumé is always a work in progress. As you add new education, experiences, and skills to your résumé, you will also remove items that are no longer relevant. As your marketing tool, it is not a record of everything you’ve ever done, but is a customized document that tells the reader why you are a perfect fit for the opportunity. The best résumés, and the ones that get an interview, are never generic.

Résumé Review

Once you have created your résumé, drop in to the Internships and Career Services office so that we can review your résumé. Once your résumé is final, upload it to Handshake, complete your Handshake profile, and make your profile viewable by employers.


The VCEA Internships and Career Services office offers a variety of resources for students on building résumés, writing cover letters, searching for jobs, and more.

Sample Résumé

First Name Last Name

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Summary of Qualifications

  • Firm understanding of bioengineering, bioelectric phenomena, and cellular principles
  • Biomedical Engineering Society, Early Career Member
  • Steadfast work ethic, maintaining a 3.45 GPA while working 30 hours per week
  • Demonstrated record of responsibility and leadership in over 5 years of team project and food service experience


Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering; Minor in Neuroscience; GPA 3.45

Washington State University, Pullman, WA

Expected 5/2019

Related Coursework:

  • Bioinstrumentation, Biochemistry, Bioelectric Phenomena, math through Differential Equations, Control Systems & Chemical Transport, Protein Engineering, Unified Systems Engineering
  • Biopsychological Effects of Drugs, Cellular Neurobiology, Neurons Genes & Behavior, Neuroanatomy


Matlab, Microsoft Word/Excel/Powerpoint, AutoCAD, C, Python, Gait Analysis software


Bioengineering Capstone: Gauntlet Orthotics & Prosthetics

8/2017 – 5/2018

  • Identified treatment problems of clubfoot disorder to design and prototype an iterative foot brace
  • Created a startup business model and forecasted financial statements to market product
  • Competed and presented at the WSU Business Plan Competition and the Engineering Capstone Expo
Cellular Neurobiology: Stem Cells & Alcohol Dependence

1/2017 – 5/2017

  • Investigated stem cell types to best treat alcohol dependence via neurological implants
  • Organized model animal trials for stem cell treatment in Vervet monkeys
  • Assisted team members in drafting presentations and instructed class lectures

Other Experience

Southside Café- Washington State University Dining Center

Student Manager

8/2015 – Present

  • Managed and led production of up to 70 employees, delegated tasks and organized work areas
  • Coordinated with upper management to prioritize and problem solve; provided quality customer service for up to 3,000 students each day

Volunteer Experience

Lodge Chief, Order of the Arrow- Boy Scouts of America

5/2013 – 6/2015

  • Organized, planned, and conducted Lodge Executive Committee meetings 10 times per year in an organized and efficient manner
  • Delegated Lodge responsibilities to volunteers throughout the academic term

Contact the Internships and Career Services Office

Career Coaching Hours

Social Media

Mailing Address

Voiland College Internships and Career Services
Washington State University
PO Box 642718
Pullman, WA 99164-2718

WSU Cougar logo that reads Washington State University, Voiland College Career Services.