10 Tips for Building Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn

In today’s working world, your professional online brand is key. LinkedIn can help you build one. Here’s how.

  1. Be authentic. The best online identities are real, honest, and focus on what makes you unique and what you can offer. Personal branding is not about sales or spin.
  2. Create a distinctive profile headline. Your LinkedIn headline is the first description that people will see. Make it count. Good headlines are clear, confident, and use terms people search for.
  3. Avoid cliches. Words like “creative,” “extensive experience,” and “team player” appear on so many profiles that they’re almost meaningless. Find unique ways to describe your skills.
  4. Be visible. Stand out by updating your status with projects you’re working on, stuff you’re reading (and your opinions on them), and events you’re attending. Your brand is not just who you are; it’s what you do.
  5. Build brand associations. You’re judged by the company you keep. By building your LinkedIn network, you’re building your personal brand. Connect with colleagues, classmates, and others.
  6. Add to your knowledge. Differentiate yourself by knowing your industry deeply. Read up on topics you care about (as a start, check out LinkedIn Today, Channels and Influencers).
  7. Share in LinkedIn Groups. Every Group post you make and question you answer is an opportunity to market yourself and to build you credibility. Groups are also a great way to learn industry lingo.
  8. Be personal. Customize connection requests or any other message on LinkedIn to your recipient. People will appreciate the personal attention.
  9. Be consistent. Make sure all the pieces of your professional footprint are consistent and send the same message- from your LinkedIn profile to your resume to other social networks.
  10. Give generously. Helping others is a crucial way to build your own personal brand. Give advice, share job leads, provide endorsements, and congratulate people on their successes.

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Washington State University
PO Box 642718
Pullman, WA 99164-2718

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