Cover Letter Tips

Your cover letter should accomplish the following:

  • Clearly route your cover letter and rĂ©sumĂ© to the right person for the right job opening.
  • Show you can communicate professionally in writing.
  • Reinforce qualifications presented in your rĂ©sumĂ© and show that you are a good fit for the company by using short narrative examples of how your experience and skills match the needs of the employer.
  • Reflect your positive attitude, personality, motivation, and enthusiasm.

Need assistance crafting the perfect cover letter?

The VCEA Internships & Career Service Office is happy to help!

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Tip 1: Get into the right mindset – What is the purpose of a cover letter?

Your cover letter does need to be simple and quick, but since this is your very first introduction, it is vitally important that you impress them.

Tip 2: Don’t make your cover letter generic… Target the position you are applying for.

Resist the temptation to use a basic cover letter template online and just change out the names of the job title and company. This letter doesn’t make the reader want to dig deeper and read your resume. Each letter should be unique to the position you want. Target the job, the company, the hiring manager. Get your point across quickly while being polite, friendly, and professional.

Tip 3: Address their problems and your solutions.

Your cover letter should always be focused on how you can help the employer. What in it for them? What are you bringing to the table?

Tip 4: Quantify, quantify and measure.

Numbers are what really get the attention of most hiring managers. For them, that proves that you’re not just all talk. You can back that up with measurable results. That’s either dollars, numbers, or percentages. For example:

  • Numbers: Voted most valuable employee 3 times.
  • Dollars: Increased club revenue by $2,000 with networking event.
  • Percentages: Developed procedure that reduced costs by 50%.

Tip 5: Be yourself, let your personality shine.

That’s just an example. Whatever you say throughout your cover letter should be in your own words. You want it to be direct and to the point, but you also want your personality to shine through.

Tip 6: Spell-check then proofread, proofread, and proofread again!

The number one reason employers throw out any application materials is due to spelling errors and typos. Use an easy-to-read font (like Times New Roman, Ariel, or Helvetica). Make sure there are not errors in it. Proofread it, proofread it again, and then get someone else to proofread it. Spell-check doesn’t catch everything, so you need an actual person to go over it.

Parts of the Cover Letter

My Address
My Address

(Current Date) March 1, 20XX

Company Name
Company Address
Company Address

Dear (insert the correct contact person’s name here, or their title, or Hiring Manager):

Opening Paragraph – Arouse interest with a “Hook.” Grab their attention, convey your passion and “fit” for the job (try one of these introductory approaches).

  • Tell them a story
  • Drop a name
  • Highlight something about their business
  • Talk about your results
  • Ask a question that makes them think.

Middle Paragraph(s) – The “pitch.” You’ve hooked them, now sell them! Highlight your relevant qualifications, results, and needs of the employer.

  • Sell your value to the company
  • Outline your strongest qualifications that match position requirements; target what they need or want
  • Give examples of you skills and experience that relate to the position
  • Provide evidence of your related experiences and accomplishments
  • Make it clear, easy to read – don’t be shy.

Last Paragraph – The “close.”

  • Quick summary (one sentence) (Ex. “My background in [industry or project], combined with my passion for your company and this role, would make me uniquely qualified to tackle [specific responsibilities.”]
  • Call to action (request an interview, indicate you will call during a specific time)
  • Tell them how to contact you
  • Always thank the employer at the close of your letter for the time and consideration given to your application.


My name signed in pen here, if hard copy – if emailed, just eliminate these three extra spaces

My Name (typed)

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Voiland College Internships and Career Services
Washington State University
PO Box 642718
Pullman, WA 99164-2718

WSU Cougar logo that reads Washington State University, Voiland College Career Services.