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Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture Facility, Operations, and Safety Services

Maintenance & Work Requests

If this is an emergency please dial 911. Please reference the following list to contact the appropriate office in order to expedite assistance to the area of concern:

Immediate Building Concerns: For the Pullman campus please call 1-509-335-9000 in event of a facility flood, power loss, hazardous campus conditions such as ice on a walk-way, elevator malfunctioning, service interruption, or other building failure.
WSU Housing and Resident Halls: If you need help with WSU housing or residence hall areas, please contact WSU Housing & Residence Life’s Maintenance Helpdesk at 509-335-1541 or
VCEA Facility, Operations, and Safety Services: For questions, please call Voiland College Facility, Operations, and Safety Services at 509-335-3783.  We are glad to assist you through any process specific to your situation.
WSU Buildings, not affiliated with Voiland College: If you need support for other WSU building areas please contact WSU Facility Services Helpdesk at 509-335-9000. The Voiland College Facilities team happily support’s faculty, staff and students utilizing Voiland College Buildings.

Submitting A Maintenance or Building Alteration Request

You can submit the request yourself, as noted below, or contact the Facility, Operations and Safety Services team to submit the request for you. If you would like an estimate before deciding to proceed with the work, no budget number is needed. If work needs to be initiated immediately, please be prepared with a budget number or the name of your funding authority.

  • Log in with your WSU Network ID and password to submit your building maintenance or renovation requests to the MyFacilities Portal
  • Please note estimates can take several weeks to months, depending on the volume of work experienced by WSU Facilities Services. If you have a work request that is urgent, or highly time sensitive, please contact the Director of Voiland College Facility, Operations, and Safety Services to assist in expediting the work within the timeline required at 509-335-3783.
  • If you want to proceed with work please make sure 100% of the funding is available in the budget provided.  If there is a remaining balance for the project, such as the 10% contingency, it is returned back to the budget(s) provided, not kept by Facilities Services.

WSU Facilities Services Frequently Asked Questions

No Charge Maintenance Services

Building system maintenance and operations are funded through WSU’s state allocation for Maintenance and Operations funding (M&O) and/or Minor Capital Renovation funding (MCR).  These budgets are used to support equipment and fixtures necessary for the function of a WSU facility, such as electrical, lighting systems, HVAC (heating/cooling) systems, plumbing, building supplied water systems including building DI water systems (production and distribution), steam systems, building compressed air, building vacuum systems, building network and telecom distribution systems, building gas distribution systems, roofs, interior and exterior walls, flooring, fixed seating in general university classrooms and auditoriums (not departmental spaces), bathroom fixtures, casework/lab benches, fire-life safety systems, elevators, building cranes/hoists, building information management and security systems, life safety systems, and equipment installed into the building as part of a capital project, with exceptions.  Known exceptions of items not maintained, but that were including with the building’s construction dollars, are autoclaves, building furnishings and building occupant break area refrigerators and microwaves.  Common items that would be categorized as university building maintenance, and performed at no charge, include items such as door and lock repairs, window and blind repairs, restroom, flooring, lighting, and wall repairs, elevator functions, emergency lighting, utility and service repairs (malfunction and certification of building electrical, hoods, air, gas, steam, water, pressure vessels), fire extinguishers, repairs to existing signage, surplus equipment requests and regular custodial cleaning of areas.

Maintenance Services That Require Funding

Maintenance and repair of departmental equipment, when performed by WSU Facilities Services, is billable to the department/unit.  Departmental/unit equipment includes specialty equipment or systems not installed when the building was constructed.  Examples that would require departmental funding include specialty lighting, audio visual systems, digital signage, unit specific signage and/or directories, cage washers, lab installed DI water systems, lab vacuum systems, specialty flooring systems, cougar card readers, omni-locks, growth chambers, fencing, autoclaves, departmental installed cranes/hoists, refrigerators, freezers, window air conditioning units, pressure vessels such as air compressors installed by a department, and non-fixed equipment purchases such as equipment purchased via a grant, defibrillators, computers, furniture, and experimental and/or teaching equipment.

Building Alterations: Work Requests & Projects

Building occupant alterations require funding to proceed; estimates are free.

Within WSU Facilities Services there are three classifications of work: work requests, small works projects, and capital projects.

  • Work requests: involve fairly simple tasks that do not require design.  Examples of items that are considered work requests include re-keying a door, requesting additional keys, new blinds, paint, flooring, shelving installation, adding a defibrillator, new or changes to existing signs (other than ADA requests).
    • Work requests that involve only a single trade and exceed $45K in materials and labor qualify to go out to bid.  These work requests should have the advocacy and assistance of the Voiland College Facility, Operations & Safety Services Director.
  • Projects: involve multiple trades/skills and the complexity necessitates design.  Projects may include adding a door cougar card reader, a change or addition to a building system for a piece of equipment (electrical, hoods, air, gas, steam, water, pressure vessels), wall alterations, furniture, electrical modifications, etc.
    • Projects that have more than one trade involved, such as carpentry and electrical, and that exceed $90K are open to be put out to bid. These projects should have the advocacy and assistance of the Voiland College Facility, Operations & Safety Services Director.
    • Projects under $2M are considered small works projects.  Two contracting methods exist to achieve the work.
      • Job Order Contractor (JOC): has an existing contract negotiated with WSU and is on stand-by to accept work at the $90K and over valuation.  This method reduces the time it would otherwise take to bid a project, however the method often costs a bit more.  The method is used for projects that have to be completed as soon as possible.
      • Public Bidding: requires full design documents to be created and public advertising go out soliciting contractor bids.  This method typically adds 4-6 months to a project but allows for competitive bidding.  Bidding results do vary depending on the economy and market conditions – the better the economy (typically) the higher the bids.
  • Capital projects: projects over $2M, often having long term maintenance and operational implications, have to be approved by the WSU Regents before work can begin.

How Long Does Work Take To Complete

The answer on how long it will take varies on the work’s level of complexity and WSU Facilities Service’s volume of work.

Sample Timeline for Work Requests & Projects Via Facilities Services Shops (PPT)
Sample Timeline for Projects Going To Bid (PPT)

No charge maintenance requests are categorized by priority.  Hazards to people or property are prioritized first and addressed immediately.  Occupant comfort requests, such as too hot, too cold are usually completed in a day or two.  Required occupant maintenance is usually performed within a month, such as light bulb replacements.  Maintenance that is categorized as not immediate, such as a patch to fix a hole in the wall, is put on the Minor Capital Renewal list and will be addressed as resources allow.

Funded maintenance, work requests or projects are scheduled using the place they fall in the queue as of the date they are funded, by occupant timeline, and by WSU Facilities Services staffing availability.  Once funding is given to proceed with the work, something as simple as a new key may only take a few days. Electricians, depending on queued work, can take several weeks to schedule and the work may require an *L&I review.  A renovation may take up to a year depending on the level of complexity required for the design and availability of the space to be renovated – for example some areas can only be renovated when students are not using them, or at specific times of year due to site conditions.  For reference:

  • An estimate may take up to a few months to get.
  • *Washington State’s Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) requires any additional electrical load on a panel be metered for 60-90 days prior to the start of work.  A review of the design and final inspection may also be required by L&I before work can begin or completion is issued.
  • Bargaining unit notification has to be given, with a 45 day window for the union to respond, if the work is to go outside of WSU to bid.  Notification has to be given, at minimum, in the following circumstances:
    • Specialized installations/alterations that Facilities Services may have limited, or no, experience with.
    • If Facilities Services lacks the skilled labor to perform the work.
    • The construction costs (not inclusive of administrative costs or fees) are estimated above $45K for a single trade or above $90K involving multiple trades.
    • Due to volume, capacity or availability, work cannot be completed by WSU Facilities Services in a reasonable timeline.

Cost for WSU Facilities Services Work

WSU Facilities Services estimates are often seen as being very high.  There are several factors that influence the pricing.  Some of the factors that typically influence an estimate, and the project’s final costs are:

  • Depending on the type and complication of a project it may include costs for:
    • Design: Pre-design and/or design costs, Architecture and Engineering (A&E) fees, travel charges
    • Construction: Site preparations, construction labor, fabrication, materials, equipment rental/lease, permits, L&I reviews, advertising, insurance, contractor overhead
    • Furniture, fixtures & equipment (FF&E), installation labor
    • Networking: materials/equipment, design and/or configuration, installation labor, licensing, IT O&M fees (37%)
    • Procurement fees (17.5% capped at $2,500), WSU Service Center Administration fees (8.7%), capital project construction management fees (4.5%), project management fees (8.5%), design services (8.5%), sales taxes (7.9%), shipping charges
    • Contingency for unforeseen conditions (10%)
  • How well the description of work is communicated – misunderstandings or a lack of information often increase the pricing in an estimate, and is the leading cause of change orders in projects
  • Facilities Services estimators serve an entire campus.  Due to resource constraints estimates are expected to be completed by Facilities Services teams in roughly one hour. This makes an estimate less than accurate – many assumptions are made – the free estimate is often given with an accuracy range of +/-20%.  As many WSU Pullman campus facilities are aged, and facility conditions vary, estimators error on the high side knowing that what is not spent comes back to the customer.  (Giving money back is seen as being easier than asking for more money if the estimate comes up short.)
  • Washington State requires all workers to receive prevailing wages and mandated benefits so the cost of labor is often higher than industrial or commercial marketplaces.
  • Facilities Services is a cost recovery service provider.  Service and labor fees are adjusted, sometimes up and sometimes down, as needed for cost recovery.
  • WSU Facilities Services only spends what is necessary – all dollars not spent are returned to the customer.
  • Alterations that create new and/or ongoing operating or maintenance costs will be billed to the unit requesting the alteration.

Other Options For Departmental Equipment, Furniture, Fabrication & Maintenance

Voiland College Shops can be hired to assist with specialized fabrication, maintenance, and modifications for departmentally owned equipment. (*This does not include any facility modifications.)

  • Departmental equipment can be ordered and installed by the department with the following cautions:
    • Facility modifications can be very costly, but a bit of pre-planning can help reduce costs.  Prior to ordering equipment, verify that correct requirements are already in place where the equipment is going. If they are not there, see if the services exist elsewhere in the room/area that could be utilized.  It is strongly advised estimates are requested prior to ordering the equipment.  Preemptively specifying the specific equipment and services required is often beneficial.  Often this helps identifies large costs upfront that can be avoided via a subtle equipment specification change (such as an electrical plug, power option, etc..) that reduces or eliminates facility modifications, providing cost savings.  To get an accurate estimate be prepared with the services needed.  Some services to consider include power, water, air, gasses, hoods, ventilation, heating/cooling, fire suppression, power redundancy, networking, security cameras, door access, lighting, a hood’s sash opening/power/water/gas/chemical compatibility, etc.
    • Facility modifications can only be performed by WSU Facilities Services.  If equipment needs to be secured to the building – walls, ceilings, floors – if a connection needs to be made for services such as water, ventilation, drainage – if an electrical panel, circuit or hard electrical connection needs to be altered or made, WSU Facilities Services needs to be contacted.
    • Please be sure to verify that the equipment will fit through building entryways, in elevators, and into its final destination.
    • Signage may need to be updated outside the room to note particular safety hazards.
    •  Additional facility protections may be required depending on the application, such as security cameras, card swipe access, static free flooring, surfaces that can be wiped down and/or can handle the types of materials being used, a hood sash that opens far enough for equipment to sit within, and appropriate ventilation for heat, fumes, and/or exhaust.  Please ensure protocols are known, and updated in lab procedures and signage, to address the change in hazards and/or environments .
    • For equipment that needs to be maintained by specialists or that require re-certification, the maintenance and re-certification contracts are typically less upon purchase than they are to acquire later.
  • Furnishings that are free standing, and do not attach to a building’s ceilings, walls or floors, (for example desks and chairs) can be designed, ordered and installed by outside vendors.   These contracts allow WSU to purchase at lower rates, and as the vendors are already on contract, do not require a bid for materials/labor if the order exceeds the direct buy limit.  (Orders exceeding the direct buy limit are still required to be processed through WSU Purchasing Services.)  Please contact Voiland College’s Facility, Operations and Safety Services, or WSU Purchasing Services, for vendors on contract with Washington State.

*Work performed by WSU Facilities Services is bargaining unit (union protected) work.  WSU is not allowed to used methods for alterations that are not approved by WSU Facilities Services, prior. The university cannot solicit bids or work from vendors outside of WSU, with the exception of freestanding furniture and departmental equipment.

Self Performed Work

Please note that WSU cannot allow building occupants to execute self-performed work, with limited exception for painting.
Self-performed work restrictions are based on occupant safety, state laws, WSU Executive Policy, BPPMS, and SPPMS.  Common items occupants often request to do themselves may include: installation of flooring, adding window air conditioning, running network cabling, modifications to electrical, ventilation, and water connections, and/or installations that require fastening to walls or floors.  Regrettably, occupants are not allowed to perform these types of activities themselves, or other facility modifications, with specific exceptions. Contractors, other than those hired by WSU Facilities Services, are also not permitted to work on WSU facilities without specific exemptions made by WSU Facilities Services.

Specific policies on self performed work can be found here:

BPPM 80.45 Requesting Facilities Operations Services
BPPM 80.48 Moving Services at WSU Pullman
BPPM 80.56 Minor construction, Renovation, Remodeling, and Demolition
BPPM 80.58 Funding Departmental And Research Project Equipment Maintenance
SPPM Safety Policies and Procedures Manual

Equipment Disposal & Surplus

Do you have items you can no longer use?

Offer The Items(s) To The College:

When you ask the Surplus group to pick up your items, please also offer the items to the college. Voiland College personnel are consistently looking for furniture, chairs, file cabinets, storage, or equipment. Please send an email out to the area administrators alerting them of the items you have available. If the items are still available when WSU Surplus comes to pick up the items go with Surplus. If not, you just helped your colleagues, and saved the college money. (Note: computer monitors may be reused across the college but computers rarely are. The Voiland College IT team can assist you in determining if a computer is at the end of its useful life, or if there is value in re-purposing it.)

An example note to send to the college’s schools/departments may look as follows:

Dear colleagues,

We are sending the following items to surplus: (provide a generalized list of items going to surplus here). If there is anything you would like from the items available please have them removed prior to surplus arriving on (it is suggested that at least 3 business day’s notice is given here). All items are on a first-come-first serve basis. The items are located at (building and room/area).

Request Items Be Collected By WSU Surplus:

If the college cannot use the items the university will take them and put them to best use at no charge to you. WSU Surplus will re-purpose, sell, recycle, or dispose of the items. They may also sell items on your behalf if the value is greater than $500. Please do not throw items out: Per WSU BPPM 20.76 all items purchased by, or for, WSU are considered state assets and must be disposed of properly. Surplus can typically get to your request within three business days.

To submit a request go to myFacilities. Located under the Quick Request list choose “Pick-up or Drop-off of Surplus Items. You will then need to log into MyFacilities using your WSU Network ID and password. Fill in the form and then select your unit’s inventory coordinator, usually one of your unit’s school/departmental administrators. The unit inventory coordinator has to approve the request prior to WSU Surplus coming out to pick up the item(s). Detailed instructions on how to submit a surplus pickup request.