Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, there’s always something new to learn to help boost your productivity and keep you competitive in the job market. However, it can be tough to stay afloat all the new changes with React like hooks, new lifecycle methods, and the context API.

The ecosystem around React has evolved a lot too, with JavaScript changing, TypeScript growing in prominence, and libraries like React Tracked coming onto the scene.

To help you stay afloat, Educative.io has created a three-part course:

The Road to React: The one with Hooks is a re-launch of our existing Road to React course written by Robin Wieruch, an esteemed author who has published many books around React, GraphQL, and JS. A lot has changed in React, so this relaunch will give you all the information you need to work with modern React.

Using TypeScript with React is ideal for those who are familiar with React but new to TypeScript. In this course, you will learn how to utilize TypeScript’s sophisticated type system to make React development faster and your code more readable. You will learn how to create component props, state, and events that are strongly-typed, allowing you to quickly understand what you can pass in to help you avoid mistakes.

In React Tracked: Creating Web Apps with Global State, you will create a to-do app. But before diving into creating an application, you’ll first learn how React Tracked can solve common performance issues around render optimization. Once you learn how to work with this library, you’ll then build a to-do app through two different methods.

By the end of this course, you will be ready to build more advanced applications without having to do unnecessary re-rendering. You’ll also have a nice piece to showcase in your portfolio.

Remember, WSU students can sign up for a free account now through July 15 using their WSU email address. Visit Educative.io to get started.