Being a first generation student is such a significant accomplishment. You are trailblazing a path for those who come after you, but you are also paying thanks to your parents, guardians, and advocates. Even though college can seem like a new, foreign, and sometimes scary space, it’s important to remember you are not alone. Please check out these tips by Justa Daniela Lopez.

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  • Take a deep breath

There are going to be times when the pressure of potentially disappointing your family will be overwhelming, but you have to remember all the obstacles you have already overcome

  • Ask questions

It is literally the job of staff and faculty at WSU to help you navigate your collegiate career, and they want to help you!

  • Find other first gen students

There is no better way to experience college than surrounding yourself with individuals who understand your background, experiences, and your mindset.

  • Find a mentor

Find a mentor who supports and listens. Having a support system is helpful when it comes to your college questions, concerns or doubts.

  • Communicate with loved ones

Let your parents know your major and explain to them why you’re passionate about this and how you will apply this degree in your career, will be a useful method in letting them into your college life.

  • Educate yourself on resources

Educate yourself on the resources your campus has to offer. WSU has a variety of great resources that help first gen students make the most out of their time and money here.

  • Stay humble

Remember not everyone in the family made it this far, and that’s okay. We each have our own paths and not one is harder than the other one.