Wanting an internship for this upcoming summer? Trying to find a job post-college? Achieving these goals can be an overwhelming and time-consuming process but through consistency, persistence and these recommendations below it can help in streamlining the process of discovering new opportunities.

  • Stress less, start early

Proactively taking steps in advance can significantly enhance your chances of success in the competitive world of employment as you will have more time to apply to opportunities while positively managing your mental health and school work load. Not to mention, by beginning this hunt earlier on you can continuously receive feedback from peers and professionals on ways to improve your resume, cover letters, interview performance, and more.

  • Utilizing LinkedIn

The job and internship searching social site LinkedIn has proven beneficial to countless young individuals and is likely to continue to grow in importance for organizations. Create a LinkedIn profile with professionalism at its forefront and take advantage of catering your profile to your experiences, interests and goals.

  • Once completed, build a network of fellow peers, mentors and professionals in your field of interest. LinkedIn was created for professional connections and support which can pave the way for potentially securing a great opportunity. 


  • Visiting Career Services 

Take advantage of Voiland’s Career Services and Internships office with drop-in hours from 2-3 p.m. M-F. We also offer one-on-one appointments where you can receive personalized guidance and support.

  • Job Boards and Company Websites:
    • Explore job boards like Indeed, LinkedIn Jobs, and Glassdoor.
    • Regularly check the career pages of companies you’re interested in. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to staying informed and making the most of potential job and internship openings.


If you’re looking for additional support in polishing your resume, the Career Services and Internships Office is here for you. Feel free to drop by during our daily drop-in hours, 2-3 p.m., for assistance, or schedule a one-on-one appointment to receive personalized guidance and support!