Hey Cougs! WSU has another exciting year of the mentorship program in collaboration with Boeing, offering engineering students a unique opportunity to dive into the aerospace industry. The program pairs students with Boeing mentors, providing insights into the aerospace sector, career opportunities, and valuable general career guidance. Students are expected to maintain professionalism, attend events, and actively engage with mentors, contributing to the success of the program. With virtual kickoff events, career guidance, virtual speaking sessions, and the possibility of midyear networking events, the program promises a holistic approach to professional development. Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year are now open until September 6, 2024. Don’t miss the chance to soar to new heights – apply online and embrace the transformative journey with Boeing’s mentorship.

For more information, contact Sandi Brabb, Director of Voiland College Career Services, Dana 138, vcea.internships@wsu.edu, 509-335-3740.