Washington State University offers degree programs in engineering, computer technologies, architecture, and construction management that build effectively on previous coursework completed at community colleges.
You’re considered a transfer student for admission purposes if you have attended college after the summer following high school graduation.
It is strongly recommended that potential transfer students contact a WSU academic advisor in their intended major to assist with planning their community college course selections in order to maximize transfer efficiency.
Academic Advisors
WSU Pullman
Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering
- Maria Greaney Curry,
Degrees offered: Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Christina Gerard,
christina.gerard@wsu.edu - John Rarig,
Degrees offered: Civil Engineering
Design and Construction
- Jessica Cross,
Degrees offered: Architectural Studies, Construction Management, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Degrees offered: Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering
Mechanical and Materials Engineering
- Alicia Case,
alicia.case@wsu.edu - Chris Doman,
chris.doman@wsu.edu - Alena Hume,
Degrees offered: Materials Science Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
WSU at Olympic College, Bremerton
Degrees offered: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
WSU Everett
Degrees offered: Cybersecurity, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Software Engineering
WSU Tri-Cities
- Alex Cohn,
Degrees offered: Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
WSU Vancouver
- Keri Deford,
keri.deford@wsu.edu - Claire Potter,
Degrees offered: Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Transfer Equivalencies
Use the table below to determine which courses are required for your degree program and find the equivalent course(s) within your community college. An acronym key for majors can be found at the end of the table.
You can find more information on AS-T major-related program pathways at the Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges.
Note that the table below is a guide only and is considered unofficial. For official transfer equivalencies for your school visit the WSU Transfer Course Search Tool.
Please contact a WSU Vancouver advisor for direct course equivalencies for Vancouver degree programs, as the programs differ from programs listed in the Transfer Equivalency table below.
Transfer Equivalency Table
WSU course | Community college equivalent course | Required for these majors |
Biology 106 | Organismal Biology | CHE, BioEng Biomedical Systems Premed or BioEng Molecular and Cellular Premed. Recommended for: CptS, CY as 1 of 2 required Lab Sciences. |
Biology 107 | Cell Biology and Genetics | BioEng, CHE. Recommended for: CptS, CY as 1 of 2 required Lab Sciences. |
CE 211 | Statics | CE, ConE, ME. Recommended for: BioEng if completing the Biomedical Systems Option, EE. |
CE 215 | Mechanics of Materials | CE, ConE, ME |
Chem 105 | Chemistry I and II with lab | CE, ConE, EE, ME, MSE, BioEng, CHE, CompE. Recommended for: CptS, CY as 1 of 2 required Lab Sciences or SE for Lab Science. |
Chem 106 | Chemistry III with lab | MSE, BioEng, CHE. Recommended for: CptS, CY as 1 of 2 required Lab Sciences. |
Chem 345 | Organic Chemistry | BioEng, CHE. Note: an entire year of Organic Chemistry may be required to meet the transfer equivalency for Chem 345 at WSU. Please contact the Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering academic advisor listed below for more details. |
Chem 348 | Organic Chemistry II and Problem Solving | BioEng Biomedical Systems Premed or BioEng Molecular and Cellular Premed |
CptS 121 | Programming Design in C/C++ | EE, ME, MSE, CompE, CptS, CY, SE |
CptS 122 | Data Structures in C/C++ | EE, CompE, CptS, CY, SE |
CptS 131 | Programming Design in Java | CptS, CY, SE |
CptS 132 | Data Structures in Java | CptS, CY, SE |
EconS 101 | Microeconomics | ConE. Choice of EconS 101 OR 102: CE, CHE, BioEng, EE, CompE, SE. Recommended choice of EconS 101 OR 102: CptS. |
EconS 102 | Macroeconomics | ME, MSE. Choice of EconS 101 OR 102: CE, CHE, BioEng, EE, CompE, SE. Recommended choice of EconS 101 OR 102: CptS. |
EE 261 | Electrical Circuits I | EE, ME, CompE. Recommended for: BioEng if completing the Biomedical Systems Option. |
EE 262 | Electrical Circuits I Lab | EE, ME, CompE |
English 101 | English Composition | BioEng, CE, CHE, CompE, ConE, CptS, CY, EE, ME, MSE, SE |
ENGR 120 | Introduction to Engineering / Innovation in Design | CE, EE, ME, BioEng |
Math 171 | Calculus I and Calculus II | BioEng, CE, CHE, CompE, ConE, CptS, CY, EE, ME, MSE, SE |
Math 172 | Calculus III | BioEng, CE, CHE, CompE, ConE, CptS, EE, ME, MSE, SE. Recommended for: CY. |
Math 220 | Linear Algebra | CE, EE, ME, MSE, BioEng, CHE, CompE, CptS, CY, SE |
Math 273 | Calculus IV | CE, EE, ME, MSE, BioEng, CHE, CompE, CptS, SE |
Math 315 | Differential Equations | CE, EE, ME, MSE, BioEng, CHE, CompE. Recommended for: CptS. |
MBioS 303 | Introductory Biochemistry | BioEng Biomedical Systems Premed or BioEng Molecular and Cellular Premed |
ME 212 | Dynamics | CE, ConE, ME. Recommended for: EE. |
ME 301 | Fundamentals of Thermodynamics | ME. Recommended for: EE. |
Phil 201 | Introduction to Formal Logic | CptS, CY, SE |
Physics 201 | Use WSU Transfer Course Search Tool to see the equivalent courses for your school. | BioEng, CE, CHE, CompE, ConE, EE, ME, MSE. Recommended for: CptS, CY as 1 of 2 required Lab Sciences or SE for Lab Science. |
Physics 202 | Use WSU Transfer Course Search Tool to see the equivalent courses for your school. | CE, EE, ME, MSE, BioEng, CHE, CompE. Recommended for: CptS, CY as 1 of 2 required Lab Sciences. |
Acronym Key for Majors
- BioEng = Bioengineering
- CE = Civil Engineering
- CHE = Chemical Engineering
- Chem = Chemistry
- CompE = Computer Engineering
- ConE = Construction Engineering
- CptS = Computer Science
- CY = Cybersecurity
- EconS = Economic Sciences
- EE = Electrical Engineering
- ENGR = Engineering
- MBioS = Molecular Biosciences
- ME = Mechanical Engineering
- MSE = Materials Science and Engineering
- SE = Software Engineering