Student Profiles

Meet Voiland College Students

Tracy Ji

She is the first WSU student to receive a prestigious Boeing engineering award.

Pavlo Rudenko

He is taking charge of his own life by starting a company fresh out of graduate school.

Ryan Renslow

Graduate student receives fellowhip with PNNL.

Learn more from WSU students about being a Coug!

“One of the big things that brought me here is that the WSU track team has a big emphasis on the family atmosphere. It was a huge draw for me, and I may not have come here otherwise.”
Reny Follett, mechanical engineering major and track captain

“I stumbled into the engineering field by accident and discovered that this is where I want to be.”
Heather Faught, recent civil engineering graduate

“The more we build, the more we impact the environment – every new material creates an impact. We have to be concerned about these issues because it’s our future we are dealing with.”
Alan Abdulkader, architecture graduate