Red brick buildings seen through trees around sunset.
Voiland College 2023 – 2028 Strategic Plan
Supporting Students, Fueling Innovation, Building Community

Theme: Student Success and Belonging

“Student Success and Belonging” is one of four main themes for the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture (VCEA) 2023 – 2028 Strategic Plan.
Read the Executive Summary.


To provide our undergraduate and graduate students with a transformative experience that enables their pathway to success.


  • Create a vibrant, technologically-advanced learning culture that values accessiblility, diversity, inclusiveness, and sense of belonging.
  • Support students inside and outside of the classroom with the best pedagogical and student success practices to prepare them for successful careers.
  • Create learning opportunities for students via experiences that are integrated into the culture and academics of our college.

Intended Outcome

Current and former students will agree that Voiland College is an effective, welcoming, premier institution that provides the critical foundations that help students of all backgrounds achieve academic and career success.

Primary Metrics

The sense of belonging amongst our students.VCEA Associate Deans of Student Success and ResearchFirst Year Experience (FYE) survey and student satisfaction survey
The diversity of students enrolled (undergraduate and graduate).VCEA Associate Deans of Student Success and ResearchInstitutional Research
The six-year undergraduate student graduation rate.VCEA Associate Dean of Student SuccessInstitutional Research
Undergraduate student retention rates (first year and overall).VCEA Associate Dean of Student SuccessInstitutional Research
The number of undergraduate and graduate degrees conferred annually.VCEA Associate Deans of Student Success and ResearchInstitutional Research
Number of students (undergraduate and graduate) employed at time and at six months from graduation.VCEA Associate Deans of Student Success and ResearchInstitutional Research, Graduate School

The sense of belonging amongst our students.

Source: First Year Experience survey and student satisfaction survey.

  • Connected to major: 4.9 out of 7
  • Connected to VCEA: 4.5/7
  • Connected to WSU: 5.4/7
  • Connected to Pullman: 4.8/7
  • Belong in VCEA: 5/7
  • Welcome in VCEA: 5.4/7
2021 Seniors
Sentiment% Agree
I feel comfortable being myself at this institution.88.77
I feel valued by this institution.60.96
I feel like part of the community at this institution.75.40
2021 First-year students
Sentiment% Agree
I feel comfortable being myself at this institution.90.48
I feel valued by this institution.80.95
I feel like part of the community at this institution.73.60

The diversity of students enrolled (undergraduate and graduate).

Source: First Year Experience survey and student satisfaction survey.


URM includes Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.

Minority includes URM groups plus Asian and two or more races.

2023 VCEA Undergraduates All Campuses
  • % Female: 22.27%
  • % URM: 19.67%
  • % Minority/Students of Color: 36.90%
  • % First-Gen: 32.44%
  • % Pell-eligible: 25.00%
2023 VCEA Undergraduates Pullman
  • % Female: 23.74%
  • % URM: 18.32%
  • % Minority/Students of Color: 36.37%
  • % First-Gen: 28.05%
  • % Pell-eligible: 21.69%

The six-year undergraduate student graduation rate.

Source: VCEA Associate Deans of Student Success and Research/Institutional Research.

  • 3-year VCEA system-wide average (2015-2017): 44.25%

Undergraduate student retention rates (first year and overall).

Source: VCEA Associate Deans of Student Success and Research/Institutional Research.

  • 2022 First-year retention rate: 70.78%
  • 2017 6-year average retention rate: 43.69%

The number of undergraduate and graduate degrees conferred annually.

Source: VCEA Associate Deans of Student Success and Research/Institutional Research.

  • 2022: 1226

Number of students (undergraduate and graduate) employed at time and at six months from graduation.

Source: VCEA Associate Deans of Student Success and Research /Institutional Research/ACSS.

Employment DataAY 2019AY 2020AY 2021AY 2022AY 2023
Not Placed7.3%16.5%31.2%38.8%37.9%
Knowledge Rate79.2%68.2%56.9%66.9%70.6%
Data collection closes 6 months after the academic term end date.
  • AY = Fall, Spring, Summer
  • “Placed” represents students who reported a job, military engagement or graduate school as their next step after graduation.
  • “Not Placed” represents the students who were still looking for a post-graduation experience at the time they completed the survey.