Happy Holidays!

Dear Colleagues,

Happy Holidays! I wanted to thank you for your efforts in supporting the college and university’s recent Giving Tuesday campaign. We were successful in raising funds for our students and transformative research through this collaborative effort, and I truly appreciate your generosity and hard work for this college.

As you all know, this time of year can be challenging as we write our final exams, grade final projects, and help students across the finish line in their courses. It can be easy to forget just how much our work changes students’ lives. Your support, encouragement, and even your tough grading propels our students into interesting careers and fulfilling lives as contributing citizens. Thank you.

As you take a well-deserved holiday break, please be safe in your travels and enjoy a joyous holiday season with your friends and family.


Interim Dean Don Bender signature

Don Bender,
Interim Dean
Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture


Safety tip of the month

Before heading out for your holiday destination, prepare an emergency kit for wintertime driving and check weather and pass reports.

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