
VCEA IT Tech Tips, Tricks and Tweaks

Are any of you like me and finding yourself more exhausted at the end of the day / week when working or learning remotely versus being in your office or in the classroom? Well, I don’t know that I can solve that in one email, but Todd Vanek and I wanted to offer a few tips and tweaks to try to make it a little easier for you.

VCEA and Pullman Campus Building Lock Down Changes

Voiland College would like to let you know starting Saturday April 4th the university will temporarily adjust its procedures for unlocking buildings on the Pullman campus. While the university remains open for business, only those buildings that are deemed essential to walk-in traffic will remain unlocked during regular building hours.

Undergraduate Pass/Fail Option, Spring 2020

Recognizing that COVID‑19 has upended all our lives, and that some students face challenges that could impact their grades, WSU has developed an emergency adjustment to grading deadlines and policies for undergraduate students in the spring 2020 term.

VCEA IT, You & Dean’s Town Hall Tomorrow

Our first full virtual week is almost in the books. Hopefully you are all doing well and managing the reality we find ourselves in. I need to share some important information with you all, so please read this in it’s entirety.

WSU Syllabus Policy: COVID-19 March 17 Update

I hope many of you have taken advantage of the VCEA Transitioning to Online Training as you prepare for distance delivery of your courses. As a reminder, there will be a session on Thursday, March 19, 3-5 PM.

As you prepare for this transition, please also consider any changes needed to your course policies that were set at the beginning of the term. The syllabus document provided to students at the beginning of the semester is nominally a contract between the students and the faculty member.