Dean’s Letters

Upcoming #CougsGive Day

The year is flying by, and we are entering the busiest time of the school year. Senior capstone design projects are underway, our convocation awards event is just around the corner, and many students are gearing up for upcoming club competitions. Before you know it, graduation will be here, and our seniors will be moving on into their professional careers.

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays! I wanted to thank you for your efforts in supporting the college and university’s recent Giving Tuesday campaign. We were successful in raising funds for our students and transformative research through this collaborative effort, and I truly appreciate your generosity and hard work for this college.

Join Us for Giving Tuesday

In the WSU Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture, we provide transformational educational experiences for our students while we work to solve some of our nation’s most critical challenges.

During tomorrow’s national #GivingTuesday, please make a difference by supporting our students’ efforts to build Washington State’s first refueling station for cars that run on hydrogen – a clean, renewable energy resource.

Executive Leadership Board meeting

We recently hosted the college’s Executive Leadership Board for our semi-annual meeting. I enjoyed meeting with this important group of industry and community leaders who provide valuable industry perspective and guidance for our college.

Our meeting was focused on the transformative educational experiences in the Voiland College.

Innovation Magazine 2016

After a decade of dedicated leadership as dean of our college, Candis Claiborn has returned to the faculty ranks and resumed her teaching and research in environmental engineering. We are thankful for Candis’ leadership and passion for WSU. During her tenure, the college had dramatic growth in student enrollment, faculty, and research.

Drive to 25

Thanks to all of you who attended last week’s town hall meeting with President Schulz. I am keenly aware of how you are faced with pressing deadlines and demanding work, so I appreciate all of you who took your valuable time to make this important event a priority.

Welcome Back – Fall 2016

I hope you all had a restful summer and are excited about the upcoming school year. Welcome, especially, to our new faculty and staff who are joining the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture. We have an exciting year ahead as we move forward with our new leadership at the university and begin the search process for the college’s new dean.

Letter From Dean Claiborn

Welcome back! I hope you all are enjoying the final, quiet days of summer. Before you know it, fall will be upon us. As you know, we have many exciting changes this year.

Most importantly, please join me in welcoming Don Bender as the interim dean for the Voiland College. Don has spent the summer becoming familiar with the position and will start officially on August 16 – tomorrow!